Monday, July 29, 2024

The Mountain that hid

 The beautiful drive to the mountain.

Trees of green, tall, so tall they seemed to touch the sky.

The morning was of blue, clouds here and there.

The weather cool and crisp.

As the road took us upward, higher and higher.

The trees were everywhere, to the bottom of us, the sides of the cliffs, the valleys and hollows.

The running of the creek below, its rushing waters, cold as the snow-covered mountain above.

Waterfalls blending into the glazier rocks, as its tumbles to the valley below.

The clouds were getting darker, lower and heavier.

So thick, from the skies, down to the roads.

 Thousands of feet above the valley floor. 

Nothing to be seen, no trees, no sky. no valleys, no roads.

Stay in place was the safe thing to choose, two, three hours, we didn't know.

Then like magic, the clouds were lifting higher and higher.

It opened up the beauty we were missing.

We could see the treetops, ever so green, so tall.

The mountain peaks, valleys of snow.

The rocks of grey and white laying on the mountain side.

As we walked, we could hear the gathering of the head waters, as they floated to the valley, ice cold from the glaziers above.

We could see the bird's gathering food, for yet another day.

The temperature was cold, this old flannel shirt sure felt good.

As we descended down the mountain from 40* then 50* up to 65*, it was like a heatwave as we headed below.

We didn't get to see it all, because it was the mountain that hid.

Are we glad we took the trip, yes, we are glad we did.

Michael VanDyke 2024 @C....

The Cabin

 As the sun was setting behind the tall pines, deer were coming out to graze.

The birds, I think Robins, gathering food for themselves after the months of feeding their young, maybe a treat for themselves.

I see the tall wildflowers of white and purple, the little ones of yellow, blue and white.

The grass was thick, a very dark green,

Gathering moisture from the morning dew of daybreak, hours before.

A breeze came through a few moments ago, to chase the flying bugs away.

The enjoyments I see, I hear

Of natural beauty, that's offered for free.

Two chairs in the yard, side by side

With a fire pit ready to lite.

Making the night air dance with flames of warmth, from the logs within.

I see the fern with its leaves, hiding the shadows of the ground below.

As the sun sits deeper behind the trees.

Let the darkness come with quietness and blanket the sky, trees and plants.

Letting the earth take a rest before the sun rises again.

Michael VanDyke 2024 @C....

Friday, December 8, 2023


 So many memories that are now down the road.

Sixty or more years of friendship,

That carries a lot of credit.

The good Ol' days they say,

That was the yesterday's,

The todays and tomorrows

Can be just as good.

Kicked back and taking in life.

One day at a time

That was you, Jim.

We could always hear you say. 

"Let's go fishing" "Wanna go for a ride."

Gotta gets to work, make some money.

Jim, you loved life.

You loved people.

Young and old.

You loved to laugh.

And make people laugh.

You had a nick name that fit you well.

"Too Tall"

People that knew you. knew why the name fit.

You were from the heart.

Always time for family

Time for friends.

Jim you're at peace now, no more pain.

Walking in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Never "Too Tall" for your family and friends.

Going to miss Ya' good buddy...

Michael VanDyke C@ 2023


Thursday, September 21, 2023


 I hear the Seagull cackle away

How come you're so far inland

Did you run astray....

Their feathers of white, sometimes grey

Glissen in the sunlight

As they are in flight

Dipping their wings as the winds blow....

Where are you going

Where have you been

Now you fly to the skies

Against the horizon

Letting the winds glide you away....

I'll see you today

Will I see you tomorrow....

Will you take flight

Heading back to where you belong

The ocean of blue

The sky with clouds of white

And blue horizons beyond....

Seagull get up and fly away

Nobody knows where you are going

Nobody knows where you have been....

Michael VanDyke @C 2023

Thursday, September 14, 2023

My Eyes see...

 I see the eagle high on its perch.

Taking flight with its wings spread wide.

A hawk with its lightning speed.

Its wings pulled back as its slithers the sky.

The bison below grazing on grass, moving with the wind, keeping the bugs at bay.

I see the stream as it flows, currents headed north.

The fish at ease flicking their tails as they break from travel.

As you look up to the skies, the clouds of white, blend in with the blue.

I can hear the wind as it blows through the wild crested wheat, its greens turning to gold.

There are no roads as far as I can see.

It's just nature running free.

The peace, the quiet.

The background of the mountains, with caps of white, with tips of green from the trees below.

I'll walk this walk, of prairies below.

Making my own paths for my boots to go.

Michael VanDyke @C 2023


 There's a destiny for all.

Some will achieve it.

Many will just dream it.

Don't shy away from what your heart wants.

It's the spirit of the soul.

Love forms from the heart.

It can grow into a spectacular gratification of life.

Or get torn apart from miscommunications of life.

I see two people that connected.

By their spirit, their souls.

Their love came from a seed, growing day by day.

Being cultivated by friendship, honesty and compassion.

The gentle touches of life.

Words of encouragement.

Life in peace, tranquility.

They made it happen.

Life is a road.

Some roads are smooth, some rough.

But you walk it together.

You make it work, together.

The world is ours, for the taking.

We can have what we want.

Just go get it.

Grab life to its fullest.

Love to the fullest.

Cry, talk, sing, to the fullest.

Love is there, we all see it.

Keep it, cherish it.

Repeat it every waking moment.

Love isn't hard to do.

Love isn't lost.

Love finds you.

Charish your life together.

Charish the love that found you both.

The sun rises, the sun sets.

Your spirits are a long for the ride.

Of your love, your honesty, your compassion.

Embrace life together.

Embrace forever more...

Michael VanDyke @C 2023 

Sunday, July 9, 2023


 As I look, I see the old dead fir laying over the creek.

It's cold waters flowing from the mountains above.

The ripples created from the rocks below.

The pines so tall, it blocks out the blue sky.

The berry bushes and undergrowth blanket the forest floor.

The trout, the salmon swimming the currents, finding a deep pool to relax and rest.

The edges of the creek dressed in rocks, small to boulder.

Birds flying ever so low, squirrels and other critters playing around.

The sounds of the forest creek, it's song of nature playing its tune.

I dip the water ever so cold, from the ice and snow of the mountains above.

Butterflies looking for wildflowers, stopping here and there, their pretty colors of orange and gold.

I take in the beauty of it all.

Watching the shadows of the water from the bugs swimming by.

The sun, it's peeking out as I sit under the limbs of trees, casting their shadows of coolness as I sit on a log.

The breeze is of chill with the smell of smoke from the camp fires above.

Michael VanDyke   C@ 2023