Sunday, January 31, 2010


Our last goodbye
But never to be forgotten
The memories will always be here..........

Also the fresh smells of your kitchen
Because you knew we were coming over
Your laughter of joy
The hugs you alway gave away
Was better than the most of gifts............

Your travels of miles of road
To see family and friends
That was you Mother..........

The love for people
You had it all
Better than the pot of gold
On that end of the rainbow............

Mother Mom and Grandma
You are missed
The breaks in our hearts will heal as days go by...........

You will never be forgotten
Because we are part of you
As you are of us.........

You are home now
No pain no tears no worries
May you be blessed our Mother
We miss you so.................


Of natures way

Being a rainbow
Also a shooting star
The way they travel
Ever so far..........

To leave you in ahh
As both their color
Filter thru the sky.......

One is for day
One is of night
As you see them glide
For miles and miles......

The blues reds and yellows
Ever so shining
To make them appear
Its been from a nice rain
Or a nice clear night..........

One is to make a wish
One is from a promise
They both make you smile............


The Hunt

I heard his bugle far away
So up the mountain I head to see
I got on my knees to skim alittle more
Over the ridge my eyes to see......

A big old bull his head of horns
Looking this way and that
While standing in his domain
For all to see
He had his cows in the coulee bottom
To the hills even the trees............

The call of challenge he bellows out
Making the satellites stand in fear
His eyes were scanning and were of ice.............

Him not seeing me crawling ever so slow
I snuck in closer as close as I could
He turned to a noise he did not see
A coyote running running to flee..............

I drew my arrow and let it go
It hit his center and the way through
I looked to see the arrow laying on the ground
He ran the hill up and down
Only to stop and looked around..............

His challenge was met
When he went to his knees
For I shot that arrow from his trees..........

I came to look to even see
That big old bull laying there with no shame
He ran that mountain with his cows
His bugles the calls and the fights of pride..........

I stood and started to think
Of another season to come
Will a bull stand on this mountain
To be full of voice
Bellowing his bugle and letting you know
He's alive...............


I Had A Dream

I had a dream
A dream of us dancing
In total darkness
Only our touch
The rhythm of our hearts...........

Music so stimulating
Our feet glide across the floor
We were one
Like the notes
Composed from the song...........

We had been waiting
For this tune
oh for a very long time...........

It was as if the world Didn't exist
Only you and I dancing
In total bliss.........

The lights came on
We walked away
Knowing we would be back..........

Be back to stay
To do our dancing
Yet another day............


Friday, January 29, 2010

Have You Ever

You ever slam your foot in a door
Or stub your toe on the corner floor
Banged your head till it was sore
Get a black eye when you ran into something
Than turn around and do it some more.............

Step on something at night
To hear it squeal
Than found out it was just a ball
But than barefoot you step into it all
To realize the puppy was in the hall...........

Had a dream of eating a marshmellow
Them woke up and your pillow was gone
Having it missing for days
To you thats just way to long............

As you head back to bed
You pull the blankets over your head
Because nobody will believe
What you just done
Or even what you said..................