Monday, December 1, 2014

A Long Walk

A Long Walk

Here I am
Where I belong
Many miles of road
From front to back.......

Was looking for a place
To call home
Or  place
To hang my hat......

The journey was long
But worth the wait.....

A good woman
By my side
She guides my life
It's where I want to be........

There were a lot of holes
In my life
I just had to fill them up
And walk away.......

I live to please God
My wife,kids
Grandchildren too.......

Everyone else
Will have to wait......

I smile as I lay down
I smile as I rise.......

I am who I am
I finally like who I am.......

So here I am
Where I belong......

Hello Michael
Your finally home........

Michael VanDyke @ 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Through the eyes of the hunt....

The lightly tap of the trk door as it closed
We started the walk up the mountain
The heavy darkness of the night
Still in the sky......

Owls off in the distance
With their hoot's of voice.......

Only our flashlights
Paint a picture of our walk
In darkness forward......

As we crested the top
Daybreak starts to appear
I see the still morning dews
Laying on the trees and logs of cuts past.....

The colors of the meadows down below
With mostly greens with golden tints of autumn
Refreshed my spirit
Of my country past......

As I gaze,I see a fog in the valley
Starting to rise
It blankets the valley floor
Wrapping the tree tops
As it climbs higher to the sky
Trees disappear with a carpet of white.......

The only sounds are of the Canada Geese
All in formation as they fly by
With their cackle of sound.......

As I watched the Evergreens
Standing ever so still
I take notice of a spider
In his web of magic
The sunlight reflecting it's soft whites of lace 
Waiting in patience for his next meal .......

As the fog finally drifts away
As the moisture draws towards the heavens above
I look up to see the blue sky
Of riffle whites of clouds here and there.......

Hours have past,we know its time
Time for our walk back down the mountain.......

Darkness has disappeared hours ago
Light brings on the mountain's beauty
Showing off it's yellows,oranges and greens.......

Birds jumping from tree to tree
Branch to branch
Singing their songs of delight.......

The old logging roads
Full of weeds
Blackberry vines
Flowing over your boots........

The odd game trails are spotted
Footprints of deer,elk and other game.......

As we level to the flats
Farm houses appear
Cattle and horses in pastures
The ranch dogs barking at anything that moves.......

As we open the doors to the trk
Our equipment pours in
Buckle up and away we go......

With memories of the lasting
Morning we enjoyed.......

Michael VanDyke @ Oct.27th 2014

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Seasons of Happiness

Season's of Happiness......

The hands of autumn
Are touching us
As the leaves of colors appear
The browns,yellows,reds and oranges........

The cool breeze
Making the chill of the nights
Gentle rains
Touching the skies in the valleys
Mountains with fresh snow on their highest peaks.......

Birds flocking up and flying south
Squirrels gathering nuts,in their winter homes
Frogs burying deep into the mud for warmth,as the winter comes.....

School bells are ringing again
With children at play
The cheers of high school football
Makes the sounds of the night air........

Smoke rolling from the chimney at night
The smell of wood in the air
As another log on the fire is set.......

The talk of Halloween and masks
Thanksgiving and turkey
Also Christmas and gifts......

Take it easy,for the sights to see
Enjoy the views of nature
Plus holidays to come......

Stand back,take it all in
Smell the air,the aromas,the flavors
See the sight,the views
The life as it appears to offer......

Put your worries and your busyness
In your back pocket
Enjoy life
As fall is to mine.......

Michael VanDyke @ 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Calls of The Heart

The calls of the heart
Are like a gentle rain
On the soul.......

It shows of
Faithfulness and trust........

Like the sun
Wrapping its warmth
Around your shoulder's.........

Or a million miles
Of memories
On the road.........

It can be fragile
Maybe of stone.......

If your mind runs deep
The heart will call..........

Follow it's path
If anything at all
Believe in what you feel..........

Unfold the magic
On it's journey...........

Like silence
If not with whispers........

The calls of the heart
Will be your trusted friend..........

Michael VanDyke  @ 2014