Monday, April 3, 2017

Natures soul

Walking the trees today
It was all nature and me
All the trees starting to bud
For their spring blooms and leaves
The ice melting from the creek
Forming pools of cold water
For the birds,fish and beaver
The deer in the back woods
Running here and there
Ready to mother fawns
The winds blowing
Through the trees
A soothing sound of nature
A field mouse running
Through the harvested land
To it's nesting site
In a hole in the ground
All the trails from the deer
During their winter runs
Going through the tall grasses
Under the fences
To the thickest of trees
My footsteps
Ever so quite
Silents from my lips
My eyes are focus
My ears hearing
What nature does
To relax the soul.....

Michael VanDyke. @ 2017

The Island of Dreams

An island of dreams
Was on the horizon....
I seen it
From the floating raft
I was on....

To tired,to awake
I continued to drift
To this island
The island of dreams....
With its shore of sand
Very few trees
Did I see....
In these dreams
It can be
Of romance
Adventure and horror....
Maybe old dreams
As it did before....
In the distance
I see the Trolls hiding
Laughing as they ran....
Even the rainbows
Touching the sands. ..
I've seen the walkways of money
My favorite latti,poured with honey....
I could fly through the sky
With my arms out stretched
Like a bird....
Or in a cave
Of darkness
With no way out....
Dreaming about going to school
With no pants
Being at a prom
When you couldn't even dance....
An island of dreams
Nobody wishes for....
As you drift off to sleep
Than step through that door....
I seen it happen
So many times before....

Michael VanDyke @ 2017