Saturday, January 27, 2018

A Long Ways To Go


It's been a long long time
As I look back to see
The many walks I've taken
To be where I wanna be
I was focused as a kid
But a few wrong turns
Led me away
Getting back on course
Took many a mile
But I'm getting close
As I can smile
I see the road a head
Miles and miles to go
No more wrong turns
No fork in the roads
I feel the warmth of the sun,on my face
A gentle breeze on my back
Its been a long long time
To see the real me
I was always told I could do it
Never sure of myself
I realize now
It was so easy to do
Its been a long long time
I will sit back,to take this ride
I now where I want go
I know where I want to be........

Michael Vandyke @C 2018

Friday, January 26, 2018

The Ray's of Reflection

Are they of a puzzle you see
Maybe a solution for you,for me....

Could it be of a lake
With the sun shining above
Maybe a boat,gliding through the water
With ease...

Instruments from an orchestra
The sounds flowing to thee
Could it be poems on paper
For all to read...

A chair on the beach
Toes in the sand
Making you feel pleased....

Sometimes I'm better under your reflection
Than to be in the light....

Believe in the Only One
Truth that is
We are of the universe
Actually you see....

Introspection and reflection
Is to open minds
Be us instruments
Into the lives of others...

Take another look
At yourself
Tell me what do you see....

The rays of reflection
Runs your life secretly........

Michael VanDyke  @C 2018

Wrong side of Heaven/Bad Side of Hell

I tried to wash it all away
It seems the stains are here to stay
The things I've done
Even the ones I've seen
Seem to be branded into my mind
The Devil told me,he's not to blame
Would Heaven do the same....

Thought I was doing good
Keeping the enemy at far
The nightmares and crying
I try to rub them away
Oh my God,are they here to stay
It was real,no dreams to me
The noise,the death,the blood
Day and might,no sleep for us....

Ok they say
Your time is up
Be it to die,I think they were the lucky ones
Returning home,with nightmares in pocket
I drank away my day
Which turned into nights....

Some went back
It was a comfort they knew
Never to sleep,but to fight
You feel the draw of death
Day by Day....

Do I dare walk that bridge
Or glare down towards the water
As others did
To look down a barrel of a weapon
To end the dreams you know....

The words just don't come out
For all to understand
That's why we keep to ourselves
It wasn't a plan....

End these wars please
Before we waste away
More and more are coming home
More and more with nothing to say
Like I say,we tried to wash it away....

But it just seems
I'm on the wrong side of Heaven
The bad side of hell.....

Michael VanDyke @C 2018

A Hole In The Floor

As I was walking through the woods
I spotted something,a distance away.
Sitting on top of a hill,
The tree growth and bushes
Covered most of the place.
I walked to see what it was
As I get closer I see that its an old house
Floors standing two high
Windows with glass,no more.
The door ajar
As if to welcome a person in
I stepped into a huge room
Cobwebs hanging from the walls above
A stream of light,shining through the cracks in the walls
The silence,the erie sound of nothing.
I step forward,to see a chair,made of wood
An old blanket draped over the back
Nothing else seemed to appear,as I glanced around
The walk was long,tired I was
So I walked over,sat down on that chair.
As the sun brought in more light
I seen shadows,all along the floor
Different sizes for all
More focused,to realize,they aren't shadows
But holes in the floor.
I walked closer,as I peeked down into the darkness below
I was amazed at what I saw,it wasn't darkness at all.
I seen the trees,also the brush
Was I dreaming,or was it real,as I thought.
I walked over to the next shadow
To see a hole in the floor
Looking down into the depths,as this I see
People working,cutting trees,removing brush
Rocks,stumps and all.
I looked around,to see more shadows on the floor below
Not far away,another hole in the floor.
I gazed down into it,I seen a foundation
Of rock,and wood,building as high,two to three.
I walked back from the shadows,to only think
This old house has a story to tell.
I found yet another,hole in the floor
Bigger than the rest,I looked down to see.
A house,a young family
Children,running, laughing,with all to see.
Excited as I looked,I wanted to find,holes in the floor
Another I see,as I peer down
A couple like husband and wife
Young adults,packing to leave.
So curious now,I ran to find more
Was there a few holes in the floor,
I found another,looking down
Two old people,a couple I'm sure
Grey hair,smiles,memories to share
I see them,holding hands,as they walk away.
One more shadow,one more hole,I hoped to find
I found it,the last one to see
As I looked down,my smile turned to a frown
There it was,an old house
Paint all gone,weathered away
Shutters hanging side ways, from the breeze
Shingles loose,up high and low
From all the winds below
I heard the door creak,as if to say
Time for you to go,please walk away
Headed down the path,I was on before
I thought I heard a moan
Looking back,I see
The trees and brush
As the house disappears,into the darkness of the shadows
For nobody to see ................

Michael VanDyke @C 2018

Thursday, January 18, 2018


As the sun starts to lay low
In the western skies
The back country
Begins to quiet down....

The cattle in the pastures,relaxed
Ready for the night to fall
Gravel roads turn to dirt....

Familiar to all who knew him
A old chevy trk
Comin' down the road
At idle speed,as he always did
A dog pacing back and forth,window to window...

As the driver comes to a halt,you see
Kenny,a smile on his face
Always a word to say
How's it going you ask
As always, Kenny said
Riding out to check the cows
Also to watch the deer....

Off into the evening
Kenny would go
Always a kind word or two
A smile as bright as the sun....

So far well,my old dear friend
Tend to that stock in the sky
Keep the cattle gates closed
Plus water and fed.....

Michael VanDyke @C 2018

Sunday, January 7, 2018

The Box.......

One time,there was a simple box. It felt empty,to the touch. Also easy to carry.
So I was curious,on what was inside.
As I opened the box,I could see light. It was bright,also warm. I seen the beauty it held,it was of my life as a child.
I could hear the laughter,see children running everywhere. I see them in the park,playing.
On the swings,the slide too. Walking the railroad tracks,barefoot.
Swimming the river,with banks being low.
My favorite sight,was me standing next to my Dad,on the front seat of his car,while he was driving me to school.
I had my arm around him,holding on,as not to fall. As we got to school,he lets me out and gives me a quarter for milk and such.
I also see my brothers and me. Always playing in the back yard,getting into trouble,or not.
Our friends coming over or us going to their yards.
I see the hills we climbed,the pastures we crossed.
There we are,sipping on cold sodas,with those hot days.
I see our smiles,the laughter,no cares to worry about.
That's what I see in this box. Young memories we cherish so.
I close the lid,the light darkens. Not forever,just for now.
As I slide the box under my bed.

Michael VanDyke @ (C) 2018