Tuesday, July 14, 2020


I seen a tree in a photo
With it's roots bold and strong
Making the tree limbs standing tall
With the leaves of green, covering so....

Roots, older than the tree
Spreading out into the soil
Digging deep, spreading wide
Making a solid foundation
Supporting the tree above....

Our generations before us
Strengthened our roots
To bare the limbs above
For our future families to come....

Without roots, you have nothing
No stability, the tree just topples over
Laying there, to die....

Stabilize the roots
Make them strong
No rains, snow, winds
Will ever bring that tree down
It will always flourish
Bloom and grow...

Michael VanDyke @C 2020

Express Music

Music, a part of my life forever
Music an emotion of sound waves
Felt from the heart....

Memories open the gates of thought
Hearing a song
Does it set your face to a smile
Or a tear down the cheek
Maybe a laugh out loud
People looking your way
Wondering why the smile....

Ever dance a tune
In a car, walking down the street
In your yard or maybe a beach....

Music, the best medicine for the soul
Listen to it all
Some more than others
Old, new and special
Gathering your emotions
For the ride to come....

Listen to the wind chimes
A creek with water flow
Wind, whistling in the tree top
Music to the ears
It's everywhere you go....

Capture the sounds
Your feelings of the beat
The words
The sounds of  natures songs....

It's all for us to embrace
To feel
By touch, emotion, sound...

Michael VanDyke @C 2020

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

This old Dog

I ran in the prairie, chased a few rabbits too
The sunshine on my back, as I slept on the porch
Oh the rides in the trk, were the best
Me with my head hanging out the window
My nose going crazy with all the smells
My belly was always full, never without water
Always taken care of, this I knew
I had my run - in's with skunks, a porcupine or two
The deer and cattle, forget about that, to fast for me
So I would let out a bark, that was me, that's who
My favorite part of life, was home
All cozy and warm
Always a pet or scratch, plus a few words
Oh how I loved that so
I'm getting old now, no running no more
Just to sit in the sun, that's enough for me
It's time for me to go, I see the sun setting now
Thank you all, for making my life so good
I hope I leave good memories for you all, as I take some with me too
Someone will be there waiting for me, I know who
I missed his talks, the way he scratched my belly
The sun is setting, so off I go
Don't worry, don't worry
I see your eyes are blurry, from tears of sorrow
Think of me in your dreams
Remember there are lots of tomorrows, for memories to share
Let me lay on the porch, one last time
With the sun on my back and the warmth feeling so good
As I drift off to slept, to dream the dreams of lasting love....

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

As The Whistle Blows..

As the train was in the distance
I heard the whistle blow
Escaping the memories
Of trains past....

As a child
Trains were of everyday
Seeing them
Hearing them
Walking the tracks....

Remembering the rails, on hot days
Burning your feet as you tried to walk them
The smell of the rail ties
The wood and oil
Spikes driven in to hold the rails in place
Some laying on the gravel, ties too
A few working their way out....

I remember the gravel spread all around
Agates and jaspers
Glimmering in the sun
Childs hands grabbing them
In the pockets they go....

I remember the Engineers
As the trains would pass
Waving at us
With a smile to boot
The guys in the caboose waving
Giving a laugh or two....

These are the memories of trains
From my childhood past....

As an adult, we rode the rails
From town to town
State to state
From the plains
To the mountains
The oceans too....

Clickity clack of the tracks
The whistle blowing
As cars waited for us to go by
The motion of train cars
Relaxing as things and places go by....

Yes I hear the whistle of a train
The memories it brings back
Maybe today I will reminisce
Go walk those tracks....

Michael Vandyke @C 2020

Saturday, February 15, 2020


I see the faces
Buried in their dreams
Not wanting to look up
To see the real world, in it's all
I see the skies
The blue
Clouds of white and grey
See the trees
With mountains as their back drops
As they grow
The winds tickle their branches
As they blow
Birds in flight
Motions through the sky
The gentle rains
Gathering rainbows
Here and there
I see the faces
Buried in a dream
Not wanting to look up
They don't even care
Or even to know
As I drive the roads
The streets of the cities too
I see people walking
Nose to the phones
Walking one, two and three
Nobody talking, or looking to see
Drivers talking on phones
Their passengers too
The gathering at places
It's the same zoo
A song comes to mind
"The Year 2525"
It's here people
It has taken control
The sheep are all lead
By the wolf
Who is in control....
Michael Vandyke @C - 2020

Saturday, January 25, 2020


This old box, as you see
Shiny and new...

This old box, I found
Scratched up, dark colors
From finishes that grew old...

This old box
Is older than Grandpa, you know...

As I took it all apart
Laying the pieces all in a row
The sandpaper came out
Taking the old finishes off
Exposing the real beauty of the wood...

Putting the pieces back together
Adding a nice clear finish
All this for you...

Granddaughter of mine
As you cherish this old box
I hope you know
I did this all for you...

Grandpa than
Grandpa now
Grandpa tomorrow
Grandpa, always for you...

Life is what you make
Be it like this box
It's all out there
For you to grab...

Choose wisely
With lots of thought
Your going far
That's what you were taught...

Grandpa is proud
Grandpa is happy
Grandpa will always
Love you...

Michael Vandyke 2020