As I seen this child sitting there under the tree.
With the rays of the light from the sun above.
The light winds blowing through the trees.
He spoke with his imagination, of dreams and thoughts.
Making us feel that we were rocketing through space.
With the planets and stars blazing past us, millions of miles away.
Aliens chasing us, places to hide.
Refueling our aircraft, for future flights to distant galaxies and planets.
Flying through the Milky Way, past the planetoid Pluto, waving as we went by.
Also the millions of stars in the galaxies far away.
A young mind full of dreams, places to see, places to go.
As he finishes his story, he looks up, smiles and walks away.
Thank you young man, for the trip we took.
Even if it was just for a few minutes of our lives.
I also had a smile on my face, as I got up to walk away....
Michael VanDyke @C 2022....