Monday, January 20, 2025

The Pond...

 Jump into the pond

What's on the other side

Are you a time traveler

Going into the past

Or maybe to rush into the future

Take a leap of faith

Exploring the other side

What if there's a fog

Danced over by the mist

Go beyond what you see

Like the pond with a mirror of calmness

On the water so still

Jump into the pond

What's on the other side

Dive into the deep end

Step into the unknown...

Michael VanDyke C@ 2025

Going Home

 Can you ever go home

As of the times before

Seeing that old white door

Can you ever go home

Or is it of never no more

My memories can take me there

It also lets me leave

I see the long driveway

The little house

Just sitting up there

Saying come on in

The mailbox by the highway

As it always was

Would the little dog named Skippy meet me

Maybe our old dog Jeff

I see the old shed

With its paint weathered off the outer walls

A few old cars

Parked here and there

The garden as big as it ever was

The smokehouse off to the corner

These are the good memories I see

I could go home just for these

The family, life

Of old times had

Are but of memories

That I'd never want to see

The memories I can shut down if I please

Our home was a house

Nothing more, nothing less

I hear the yelling, the screams

Now I shut my memories of yesterday

No, I can't go back home

I will divide the memories

Ones to keep

Ones to share

Ones to own

Ones to care

I walk away looking back

The white door getting smaller and smaller

That's my memories being buried deep....

Michael VanDyke C@ 2025 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

It Had to Go

 I've seen the battle of evermore

It came from the walls and floor

I kept thinking I don't want to see or hear this anymore

I was fogged I was confused

Days were long of nightmares of home

Staying away was easy, because of the peace I felt

Like a war, do you go to the fight or pull back to safety

To get away from it all

The nightmares of reality

I pushed it down, so far down that it couldn't control me anymore

I've seen things that most adults couldn't handle or want to see

Never talk of it, just push it away or push it deeper into my soul

It was to the point I had to forgive; I had to let go

Release me from hell, my life I wanted back

It's not the blood that bleeds, it's the memories that flow

Do you put them in a barrel to burn, let the ashes blow away

It's better than what I had, no way could I carry that today...

Michael VanDyke @C 2025