Saturday, January 25, 2020


This old box, as you see
Shiny and new...

This old box, I found
Scratched up, dark colors
From finishes that grew old...

This old box
Is older than Grandpa, you know...

As I took it all apart
Laying the pieces all in a row
The sandpaper came out
Taking the old finishes off
Exposing the real beauty of the wood...

Putting the pieces back together
Adding a nice clear finish
All this for you...

Granddaughter of mine
As you cherish this old box
I hope you know
I did this all for you...

Grandpa than
Grandpa now
Grandpa tomorrow
Grandpa, always for you...

Life is what you make
Be it like this box
It's all out there
For you to grab...

Choose wisely
With lots of thought
Your going far
That's what you were taught...

Grandpa is proud
Grandpa is happy
Grandpa will always
Love you...

Michael Vandyke 2020