Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The Beast..

 I see the beast

Up on the hill

As he walks the shadows

Eyes glaring towards me ....

I've felt his eyes for years

It didn't bother me

I've seen his kind before ....

You never let him

Have the power

Or control ....

You walk the valley of death

Past the evil we all know

Don't step to the right

Nor the left

Always walk straight ahead ....

Listen to the spirit in you

Trust no other, with your thoughts 

You're in control .... 

Light up the shadows

Bury the evil

Never let him command

Your life, thoughts and dreams....

Michael VanDyke @C 2022

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Darkness Fell

 The night fell with darkness

As I see the people

Women and men

Finding places to sleep 

On the city street, stoops, and parking lots

With the lights dimmed low ....

Holding judgement to the people we see

Their faces are sad

Bodies tired too ...

Did they have their meal for the day

Water to quinch their thirst ....

You ask, why are they living this way

For this we don't understand

Don't pass judgement towards them ...

Most would choose not to be there

(We know of course some would and do) ....

Their bedding of maybe a blanket

Piece of cardboard or if lucky

A sleeping bag and (or) tent ...

The darkness is the comfort they need and (or) want

Nobody to pass judgement 

There are so many things

We don't understand ....

Is it only me that would like to see help

Show your compassion and believe

Smile, greet them with a hello

Maybe a prayer or two

Some would like a meal, a few don't, we know ....

There are just some things

We don't understand

Don't stand in judgement

As we drive away into the darkness ....

I pray they have a better night

A better tomorrow

Then they had today

May their sad faces

Have at least a smile

May their tired bodies get some rest ....

God's peace and protection for you all

There are just so many things

We don't understand ....

Michael VanDyke @C 2022

Monday, August 8, 2022

My Closet

My Closet

 I see my closet, doors shut

As I slide the doors open

I can see my shirts, dressed on hangers

Shoes on the floor

Folded clothes and boxes on the shelves

What else lays in the closet

For your eyes only

Are there boxes with things filled with joy

Boxes that are mystery, haven't seen for a long time

As you look way towards the back

You see the boxes, that will never be opened again

The things inside aren't the best for you

It's the past of things, that need to stay away

These boxes you see are placed way to the back

Throw them away they say

It's hard to do

For those boxes play in your mind

For me and for you

Bury them again to be forgotten

In the darkness below

Slide the doors shut, ever so slow ...

Michael VanDyke @C 2022



The stars with heaven above are reaching down

My family and friends are reaching here on earth

I'm letting you know

I'm not alone

Jesus is by my side

Please don't grieve in your hearts

I wouldn't want it that way 

Remember our good times

Our laughter over the silly things

The smiles we shared

The love and kindness we had for one another

When things needed done I did them

I also showed you how

Don't give up, that's not how it works

Make me proud, because I know you can

My room is prepared in heaven above

The Lord called my name

Share your stories

Share your love

Help one another

Our time on earth is short

We are bound for heaven

As Jesus prepares our rooms

One day we will meet again

Memories are forever

Those can't be taken away ....

Michael VanDyke  @C 2022

Monday, July 25, 2022

This Young Man...

 As I seen this child sitting there under the tree.

With the rays of the light from the sun above.

The light winds blowing through the trees.

He spoke with his imagination, of dreams and thoughts.

Making us feel that we were rocketing through space.

With the planets and stars blazing past us, millions of miles away.

Aliens chasing us, places to hide.

Refueling our aircraft, for future flights to distant galaxies and planets.

Flying through the Milky Way, past the planetoid Pluto, waving as we went by.

Also the millions of stars in the galaxies far away.

A young mind full of dreams, places to see, places to go.

As he finishes his story, he looks up, smiles and walks away.

Thank you young man, for the trip we took.

Even if it was just for a few minutes of our lives.

I also had a smile on my face, as I got up to walk away....

Michael VanDyke  @C 2022....


Monday, January 10, 2022

It's What I see, Hear and Feel...

 As I walked up the mountain

I felt the cool breeze, from the summer winds ...

The beauty of what nature brought

The trees so green and tall, swaying in the wind

The soil I walked on, soft from the gentle rains of last nite ...

Animals running free

Birds chirping, flying from branch to tree ...

Hearing of the trickle of the stream near by

I look up seeing the sky of blue, clouds of white ...

The songs of nature

The beauty of it all

Like a paint brush on canvas ...

With the signature of God, in its corner

Of this framed beauty ...

Michael VanDyke @C 2022