Tuesday, July 14, 2020


I seen a tree in a photo
With it's roots bold and strong
Making the tree limbs standing tall
With the leaves of green, covering so....

Roots, older than the tree
Spreading out into the soil
Digging deep, spreading wide
Making a solid foundation
Supporting the tree above....

Our generations before us
Strengthened our roots
To bare the limbs above
For our future families to come....

Without roots, you have nothing
No stability, the tree just topples over
Laying there, to die....

Stabilize the roots
Make them strong
No rains, snow, winds
Will ever bring that tree down
It will always flourish
Bloom and grow...

Michael VanDyke @C 2020

Express Music

Music, a part of my life forever
Music an emotion of sound waves
Felt from the heart....

Memories open the gates of thought
Hearing a song
Does it set your face to a smile
Or a tear down the cheek
Maybe a laugh out loud
People looking your way
Wondering why the smile....

Ever dance a tune
In a car, walking down the street
In your yard or maybe a beach....

Music, the best medicine for the soul
Listen to it all
Some more than others
Old, new and special
Gathering your emotions
For the ride to come....

Listen to the wind chimes
A creek with water flow
Wind, whistling in the tree top
Music to the ears
It's everywhere you go....

Capture the sounds
Your feelings of the beat
The words
The sounds of  natures songs....

It's all for us to embrace
To feel
By touch, emotion, sound...

Michael VanDyke @C 2020