Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Keep Walking..

I watched the Eagle fly
Into the distant skies....

My thoughts started to drift
Like a gentle rain on my soul...

Reminding me
Of my past
To where I would go....

It reminds me of a few
Old sayings...

"Sometimes a shortcut,
Is the long way around"...

"Living with your eyes closed
Is easy"....

But I never did so...

I have miles of memories
On that road...

What will tomorrow bring
Would it bring a memory....

Or float away
Like a leaf
In a trickle stream....

Where is my life going
Where has it been....

Memories are forever
Dreams do come true....

The window to my heart
Use to have dead echoes
It only took you halfway.....

A path will always be there
With the glows
Of the moonlite nights.....

Making miles of more memories
What many tomorrows
Will bring.......

Michael VanDyke @ 2017  

Our Drive...

As the Bald Eagle flew
Soaring the Yellowstone

Watching as the water
Turns to ice
Than water again...

The Big Horn sheep
Walking down the Mountain
To the water holes
To break their thirst...

Cattle and horses
Grazing in the fields....

Captures of green
And of snow...

Below the mountains
Of white
Skies are of blue...

Snow packed roads
Travel at ease...

That's what I see.......

Michael VanDyke @ 2017

Monday, September 4, 2017

The Light of Night

The light of night
Dares to be....

It's casting of shadows
Through the trees....

The creatures of the evening
Come out to play....

I see the spiders
As they web,away....

The mysterious flights
Of the bat....

The sounds
They travel....

Making the mind
Wonder what
Or where,it is....

The sky's so dark
But beyond....

The brightness
Of the stars ....

Michael VanDyke @ 2017

The Walk

Tank full of gas
That dirt road of memories....

I see the dust
In the rear view mirror....

The roads of many
I have made...

Some were rough
Pot holes and rocks....

The destination
For you to see....

I will never have to say
I wish I did
Or I should have....

A million miles of memories
Are in my back pocket........

Michael VanDyke @ 2017