Saturday, April 23, 2016

Broken Chains of Darkness.....

I was raised in the darkness
In the shadow of life
An abusive parent
With us
No where to go....

Mom was strong
She lost her spirit
Long ago
The protection
We tried.....

Why we asked
It wasn't anything
We did......

Other families
With love and respect
The laughing, loving and caring
How come we didn't have that
Which others shared......

Dad was just a father
Had to earn that word
To be called "Dad"......

It was to be
I had enough
Chains have to be broken
The old life buried.....

My brothers and I
We started our families
Raised them with love, respect
Above all caring......

Past buried
Not forgotten
Darkness turned to sunshine
The shadows, walked away.....

Mom is in a better place
With our Lord Jesus
In heaven you see......

We hope Dad is too
His darkness followed him
He buried it to his soul......

Our shadows of the past, walked away
So the darkness had no where to stay.....

The days of Grandchildren are here
Making the past, so far away
Bringing in the sunshine
For more happier days.......

Michael Vandyke @ 2016

1 comment:

  1. Please don't anyone take this the wrong way...The war (WWII) took our Dad away,before he was our father!
    We loved our Dad,but not his actions..
    The blood,death and horrid experiences followed him,his whole life..
    Sad situation,that there was no help for Veterans back in those days...
    They kept it inside,eating at them,every waking moments of their life!
